Corporate Services Division (CSD)
The Corporate Service Division (CSD) comprises five units in the ministry; Administration, Accounting, ICT, Registry, and Media. The main purpose of these units is to provide technical and professional support to the larger divisions within the ministry. The Administration Unit primarily deals with the overall management of these larger divisions to ensure progress and achievements are well completed. CSD's mission is to:
Provide technical and professional support to all Divisions
Manage the achievement and progress of each Division to achieve their targets
Chart a course to better achievement
Create the infrastructure for an enabling environment
Maximise the economic returns from our marine resources
Contribute to our national goal of a Healthy and Wealthy Nation
Promote Kiribati as one of the world's leading Fishing Nations
CSD is guided by the Ministry Strategic Plan (MSP 2024-2027), which in turn is informed by the Government of Kiribati high level strategy as out;ined in the Kiribati Development Plan and Kiribati Vision for 20 Years, known as KV20. The KV20 holistically steers Kiribati to become a wealthy, healthy and peaceful nation, while simultaneously enabling our nation to become a leading advocate in responsible, responsive and sustainable fisheries and marine resources management and development.
The MSP articulates clear goals and priorities allowing Administration to effectively monitor progress and ensure that targets are met. The MSP guides the ministry in aspiring for a nation that can sustainably fish from its own fish stocks, culture our own aquatic resources, process our own catch, market and trade in our own fish and marine products, and cautiously harvest in a conservative and precautionary approach, our own deep ocean minerals while ensuring intergenerational equity.
The MSP is the most important document for the CSD to fully understand and follow, ensuring all divisions and units are well prepared for their responsibilities.